Invoking the Goddess Oracle and Action Deck by Lisa de St. Croix

Invoking the Goddess Oracle and Action is a round deck of thirty-three Goddesses. On the back of each card the Goddess speaks to you directly as an oracle that invokes the archetypal qualities within you. Each Goddess gives you an action to incorporate into your activities. Goddesses from different cultures all around the world are represented. Many of the Goddesses are iconic, a few obscure Goddesses are also included.
"I believe that the Divine Feminine is here to help and guide us at this auspicious time on the planet, that there is a shift in the social paradigm toward women claiming their power. This deck serves as a point of focus on what we can do individually on our own path of self-discovery, which in turn will ripple outward bringing alignment, nurturance, love, creativity and magic. My process was to call in the Goddess as I painted and wrote. I felt the presence of the Goddess guiding me, and was both awed and humbled." ~ Lisa de St. Croix
"My introduction to Tarot began at the age of eleven when I accompanied my mother to a Tarot reading in Johannesburg, South Africa. As the predictions came true over the following year – my parents divorcing, my mother moving to Spain to live on the Mediterranean with her new husband – my concept of destiny and faith awoke. As a young woman I moved to New York to attend the School of Visual Arts where I received a Bachelor of Fine Art and developed a style of mystical painting. A few years later my mother died, and the old Marseille deck she received from that Tarot Reader in Johannesburg came back to me through mysterious ways, and awakened my interest in divination. After a shamanic journey where I was instructed to paint the Tarot I began a five year journey creating Tarot de St. Croix. Synchronicity was my guide as I divined each card I painted. Excited by the positive international response to my Tarot deck, I have painted and published three more decks –Sacred Union Oracle, Invoking the Goddess Oracle, and de St. Croix Lenormand Oracle"
~ Lisa de St. Croix